Powerline Inspections
Drone Inspections: The Safer and Cost-Effective Solution
Why utilise a Drone?
Within the utility industry there are numerous areas that need to be inspected on a regular basis to operate smoothly, Drones can be used for inspections on transmission lines, distribution lines and the substations themselves. More cost effective than a helicopter, higher quality than traditional ground inspections utilising cameras and binoculars, quicker to dispatch, capture and assess potential concerns.
Drones - can be fitted with a multitude of sensors to assess the following aspects:
Any loose or missing nuts and bolts of the hardware
Corrosions on the structure or hardware
Insulators, whether cracked or polluted
Damages to stranded conductors
The condition of bases
Vegetation encroachment near powerlines
Thermal inspections, which identify abnormal temperatures on both insulators and conductors
A drone team can inspect numerous towers per day and/or kilometers worth of lines.